Do I Need A Lawyer For A CDL, Traffic Or Speeding Ticket?

Should you hire a lawyer to fight a speeding ticket?

You could appear in Court and handle the ticket yourself, but this is not your best option. You would need to:

1) Take time off from work;

2) Appear in Court with one hundred people, or more, who have also received tickets;

3) Wait to speak with a prosecutor;

4) Request an offer from the prosecutor to resolve your case;

5) Wait for the Court to call your case, in alphabetical order, after all the attorneys and their clients have been called first;

6) Assuming you accept the prosecutor’s offer and plead guilty, wait in line to pay your fines and costs to the Clerk. This process may take, literally, hours, and you will miss valuable time away from work and your family. If the prosecutor has time to make you an offer, you may not understand the offer, you may not know whether or not it is a good offer, and you may not know whether or not the offer will affect your driving privileges. Each year the Legislature modifies and passes laws making the penalties for driving offenses tougher.

Did you know:

  • that the penalty for speeding through a construction site could be the suspension of your license?
  • that exceeding the posted speed limit by 20 mph or more may be evidence of Reckless Driving? Reckless Driving is a Class A Misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $2,500 fine, and 364 days in County Jail, day-for-day credit to apply (182 days).
  • That you are permitted a sentence of supervision for only two moving violations during a 12-month period? That a third violation in that 12-month period must result in a conviction, even if you are arrested for a first-time DUI!
  • That if you are arrested for DUI and possess no automobile insurance, you may be charged with a Class 4 felony, even if this was your first DUI offense?
  • That if you are arrested for DUI and possess no valid driver’s license, you may be charged with a Class 4 felony, even if this was your first DUI offense?

About Your Traffic Ticket Court Date

The arresting officer will not be present on the first day you are required to appear in Court. If you request a trial, you will be required to return to Court about four weeks later. On the date of your trial, you will wait approximately two hours for your case to be called; your trial will not commence until all of the other cases scheduled that morning, or afternoon, have been handled. And, if the arresting officer does not appear in Court on your trial date, contrary to what most may think, your case may be continued another four weeks. If your case does proceed to trial, you may not know what to ask the arresting officer, or how to present your own evidence.

Clearly, the photo above exaggerates law enforcement measures. However, you understand the point. Anyone receiving a traffic citation, who does not have time to keep current with the law, and attempts to handle their case on their own, not only risks spending a great deal of time in Court, but also places their license and driving privileges at risk. This is not a productive use of your time. However, you have a choice, an efficient, time-saving choice.

courtWe can help you. We work on traffic cases regularly. We understand a good offer, and whether or not a plea arrangement will affect your driving privileges. We will appear with you in Court and discuss your case with the prosecutor and protect your rights. We will try to convince the prosecutor not to impose harsh penalties. The prosecutor may agree to amend the citation to an offense that carries a lighter penalty, if you agree, for example, to pay a higher fine or attend the Traffic Safety School. There are many options. When you appear in Court with an attorney, your case will be handled and resolved quicker, and you will not be required to wait possibly hours for your case to be called.

Depending upon the particular circumstances of your ticket and your driving history, you may not even be required to appear in Court. We may be able to resolve your case by appearing in Court for you and filing an affidavit. This approach saves you valuable time, and does not disrupt your day.

Get the representation  you deserve with Attorney David Franks

Contact FKM&A Law today at (847) 854-7700