Obstructing a peace officer in McHenry

Jun 12, 2013 | Criminal Defense Attorney

On a Saturday night in July, a man from McHenry was arrested and charged with obstructing a peace officer and resisting a peace office (an offense commonly called  “resisting arrest”) after he fled a traffic stop in Huntley.

The individual in question was also charged with operating an uninsured motor vehicle, driving with suspended registration, and driving while license suspended.  Unable to post bond, the man was taken to the McHenry County jail, where he ostensibly remained in custody until his trial date 16 days later.

This series of unfortunate events is an example of “not learning your lesson the first time” (as obviously the accused individual had one or more prior offenses, as evidenced by his driving on a suspended license and without insurance).  As if these errors in judgment weren’t enough, the man compounded his mistake by fleeing from the police.

But as hopeless as his case might seem, there are a number of good defenses that an effective and experience Criminal Defense Attorney might provide.  Instead of serving the full punishment for these offense, the charges could possibly (although no legal outcome is guaranteed) be reduced with the possibility that further jail time would be reduced for time served while awaiting trial. If you find yourself in a situation such as this, a good place to start is with a consultation with a Criminal Defense attorney.

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