Got a DUI in Bull Valley?

Jul 18, 2015 | Bull Valley

Many people are charged with DUI while driving through Bull Valley at night.  One need only observe the number of DUI cases on the docket involving Bull Valley to know this is true.

If you are arrested for DUI in Bull Valley and are convicted, you will be subject to all the rules and regulations and penalties that can be imposed under Illinois law.

Then, on top of whatever sentence or fines you may receive, you will also need to pay a $500 Administrative Fee and a $750 DUI Equipment Fee.

If you are found “not guilty”, you will still be charged the $500 Administrative Fee and $750 DUI Equipment Fee.  These fees are the highest for any municipality in the area — nearly double of what you would pay anywhere else.

So what can you do about this?  Several things, actually:

1) Don’t ever drink and drive.  Take a taxi or have a designated driver.

2) Don’t drive through Bull Valley unless you live there or are visiting a resident.

3) If you must drive through Bull Valley, drive carefully, stay in your lane, make complete stops, always use your turn signals, and make sure your vehicle is in proper working order (no burned out  headlights, tail-lights, turn signals, etc.) and that your license plate sticker is current. This is great advice no matter where you are driving…

If you do these three things, you should be OK.  But if not — well, then, you’ve come to the right place to learn what to do if you are pulled over for DUI.

About the Author: David B. Franks is an experienced DUI Attorney who represents individuals charged with DUI or Criminal Offenses.  Contact Attorney Franks today for a FREE initial consultation.

Disclaimer: This site contains general information that is intended, but not guaranteed, to be correct, complete and up-to-date. It is not intended to be a source of legal advice. You should not rely on the information in this site and should always seek the advice of a competent lawyer.

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