Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer
Have you gotten a traffic ticket in DeKalb, Illinois?
If so, you are probably concerned about what effect the ticket may have on your driver’s license. This is especially true if you hold a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). You probably would like to know whether or not the Illinois Secretary of State will suspend your driver’s license or suspend your vehicle registration, and whether or not your insurance company will increase your rates as a result of your DeKalb County, Illinois traffic ticket.
If you received an DeKalb County, Illinois traffic ticket, such as: speeding, speeding in a construction zone, speeding in a school zone, passing a stopped school bus, reckless driving, driving while license suspended, driving while license revoked, leaving the scene of an accident, failure to yield, railroad crossing violations, unlawful consumption of alcohol by a minor, unlawful possession of alcohol by a minor, improper traffic lane usage, disregarding a stop sign, or disregarding a traffic control device, then call FKM&A Law as soon as possible so we can review your DeKalb County, Illinois traffic ticket.
We provide a rigorous defense for:
- CDL Violations
- Moving Violations
- Teen Driving Violations
- Watercraft OUI / OWI
- Failure to Obey Traffic Signal
- Failure to Report an Accident
- Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle
- Overweight Cases
- Reckless Driving
- Revoked or Suspended License
- Statutory Summary Suspension
- Driving Uninsured Motor Vehicle
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- No Valid Driver’s License
- Passing School Bus